Thursday, March 1, 2012

Three Strong Reasons Why Mormons Should Vote for Rick Santorum and Not Mitt Romney

There are three strong reasons why devout Mormons should vote for Rick Santorum over Mitt Romney.

1.) Rick consistently promotes traditional marriage.  Other than gay unions being legalized while he was Governor of Massachusetts, Mitt has been inconsistent with traditional marriage.  (Mormons have a respectable track record supporting Prop 8 in California and the Nation, so don't spoil it!)

2.) Rick has a consistent pro-life record.  Mitt Romney has been inconsistent.  (Click HERE where Mitt says that abortion should be "safe and legal" ever since his Mom ran for U.S. Senate.)

3.)  Rick is a social conservative.  Mitt is moderate on social issues.  In 2004, staunch Catholics did not vote for liberal John Kerry, who claimed to be Catholic, simply because he was Catholic and they wanted another Catholic in the White House.  Rather, solid Catholics voted for George W. Bush, a Methodist, who was not extreme as John Kerry.  Don't vote for Mitt just because he's Mormon.

In the end, as you and I believe, you and I will have to give an account to God as to why we supported or didn't support (whether formally or materially) a candidate for the most powerful secular position on the planet.

Thank you.

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